How Victims Are Protected

Violence happens everywhere, and it is especially pronounced on campuses. Victims of violence must file a report with the police, and they are protected by the law under title iks. You can see more about all this at Campus Sexual Misconduct.

There are several forms of abuse and therefore each of them should be studied, so that the victims know if they can report any kind of discomfort as a form of violence.

If someone is treated unfairly based on their gender, it is gender discrimination. This form of violence can be manifested in many ways.

Campus Sexual Misconduct

Harassment includes unwanted attacks, requests for services, as well as physical behavior of a nature. This kind of behavior is offensive and can have a big impact on students, if they don’t feel safe, so they have to change their behavior or stay away from some students and even change colleges.

Violence is the biggest form of abuse. Such acts include rape, assault and abuse. This includes activities without consent, as well as activities with persons who are unable to give consent, which is increasingly happening due to the use of various drugs.

All these forms of violence must be reported to the police. If the victim does not want to report to the police immediately, it is best to inform the school about the violence he is experiencing or has experienced. The school must immediately react and conduct an investigation and act according to the law prescribed by title iks. You can get a lot more information about all of this by looking at campus misconduct.